Rabu, 27 November 2013


Komet ISON sudah bisa dilihat di Indonesia arah sebelah timur dekat matahari terbit kira-kira 1 - 1/2 jam sebelum matahari terbit. Lebih bagus pakai teropong/keker... lebih mak nyus!

Purwanto Nugroho – Jakarta
Today, Jakarta's early morning sky was so clear, no clouds, making it much easier to spot this comet with telephoto lens. 
Comet ISON(C/2012 S1) as seen on Nov 22, 2013, 4:41am.
Nkon D7100, Nikkor 80-200 f/2.8, 2x TC, Vixen Polarie
15s, ISO1600.
 — di Mampang Prapatan VIII.

Muhammad Rayhan - Jakarta
Riding at the dark with my old motorcycle and go north to the rice field to catch The Comet ISON. It is bright enough and still seen 30 minutes before sunrise.

Nikon D5100 + AF Zoom-Nikkor 70-300mm f/4-5.6G. Tracked by Vixen Polarie Star Tracker. 10 x 9 sec. ISO 500 FL 300m. RAW image files processed using DSS and PS6.

Cikarang, November 21, 2013. 4.30ish AM.

Mutoha Arkanuddin – Yogyakarta
Comet ISON this morning 23/11/2013. Vixen ED80Sf SXW Canon EOS350D prime focus ISO800 15 sec. I woke up late. Hard to seen the comet even with telescope, why? Maaf tidak sempat kontak teman2 yg mau ikutan ngamat.

Semoga anda beruntung!

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